主要经营进出口货物的海、陆、空国际运输代理业务,包括订仓,货物代理,报关,商检,仓储,集装箱拆拼装箱等全方位口岸服务。联系方式:0579-85129579 85258501 Fax 85258505地址:义乌市机场路576号4#楼2单元501
网址: http://www.zhj56.com
几年来,我们依托中国宁波港和义乌——小商品城的环境、资源优势,与国内知名的一级货运代理企业合作,承办海运进出口的国际运输代理业务;包括揽货、订舱、仓储、中转、租船、报关、报检、拆箱拼箱、短途运输服务及咨询等业务。同时发展与其他船公司的相互合作。先后同APL、PIL﹑CMA、K-LINE、 MAERSK、YML﹑ZIM﹑COSCO、OOCL、CSCL、MSC等世界著名船公司,达成订舱代理协议,可接受世界各港口的货物运输业务。在美加航线﹑红海航线﹑北非航线﹑地中海航线以及东南亚各大港口的运价具有很强的竞争力。
The Hanghai International Logistics Co.Ltd. mainly engages in international marine transportation.Since our company built ,we have win a fine reputation in shipping market according to the safe ,quick ,convenient and considerate service purpose in taking the management idea of striving for survival, developing on the basis of better service and fine reputation, adhering to these principles of competitive price,high quality and good service and relying on the combine effort of all personnels of the company and the style of their diligent work .
We are supported by Ningbo port of China and Yiwu——the environment of small commodity market and their resources advantage to undertake the business of international freight agent of marine imports and exports cooperating with the famous freight first class agent enterprises in China.Our business includes canvassing business, shipping space,storage, transfer, chartering ships,applying to customs, reporting inspection , devanning and less than full container load, short-distance transportation and consultation and so on business.At the same time,we are developing to cooperate with other shipping companys.We have come to terms of shipping space with APL、PIL﹑CMA、K-LINE、MAERSK、YML﹑ZIM﹑COSCO、OOCL、CSCL、MSC and so on famous shipping companys in the world successively, so we could provide freightage business of all ports in the world.We are in a highly competitive position in price in America-Canada air route, Red Sea air route, North Africa air route, Mediterranean Sea air route and South East Asian biggest ports.
# 航海货运代理